Friday, January 18, 2019

Chapter Fifteen - Targeting Paparazzi

The paparazzi were like roaches - they always seemed to spot food or in this case juicy gossip. And they never failed to congregate at our door. It was annoying, as we were celebrities now in our own right. Luckily we were in good with the Watcher because He doesn't like paparazzi either and occasionally gives us a helping hand.

That roughly translates into hurling multiple meteors from space. If that doesn't teach those paparazzi some manners I don't know what will. Of course getting one's property set on fire was a slight problem. But no biggie. It just meant that we had to get up and put the fire out.

Since my adrenaline was already pumping, I decided that since I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, I might as well start harvesting the plants. When the sun came up, I went outside, collected the debris and got the mail from the mailbox.

Of course, I got my usual tasks done during the daytime and River and I had some fun. That pretty much tired us out and we went to sleep. So did Sally in her dog bed.

The evening was quiet enough. Nothing exciting happened and our house didn't get burgled. All in all, that made it a good night.

I ate some cobbler for breakfast and River and I decided to conserve some water and shower together.

After dealing with harvesting the crops and milking the cows, I headed down to Aleister's to deal with getting some honey. Yeah...that probably wasn't the best idea in the world because when I went down there, I got attacked by bees. Evidently they weren't in a very good mood. Neither was I by the end of it.

Well, I managed to finish off the Uncommonly Good challenge which allowed me to now start planting eggs and cheese. That was going to make getting perfect eggs and cheese a good possibility.

I decided that I was going to get a flu shot in order to get me through the winter and a dang paparazzi decided that they were going to follow me. He who watches, zapped the living carumba out of that paparazzi. All 1B volts coursed through her in a matter of a millisecond. That was the only reason why it didn't kill her outright. It just gave her a really nasty shock.

There was a lot to do. River worked on her painting, while I used the chemistry table to discover more potions and Sally headed off to sniff out some more gemstones, rocks and other stuff.

...and of course, there was always time for woohoo...

Yeah, men have a one-track mind - me included.

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