Sunday, January 6, 2019

Chapter Eight - Tasks That Need Doing

Morning brought a white expanse; for as far as our eyes could see. I had a morning routine. First get the eggs and milk, convert the milk to cheese and then head for the greenhouse to make sure that I was able to harvest the vegetables as they came ripe. Working in the garden was good for the soul. Hard work and labour was its own reward as not only did you get a good workout, you were able to reap the benefits of the soil.

We had a few ornaments outside in our yard in time for the Snowflake Day season. A few reindeer scattered around the front yard and a few illuminated candy-canes. At least it was something to show that we enjoyed the festive season. We went a little overboard on Snowflake Day decorations as we wanted to have an enjoyable holiday; it being our first away from the family. River and I were our own little family and that was all we needed.

Of course there were things that needed to be done and River had some tasks that needed doing, so she headed out in her SUV first to Brunton's Dining Car Restaurant where she had to drop off a few items that were needed for the menu. Then she headed off to the grocery store so that we could get a few items that we needed.

Traffic seemed to be pretty heavy for a snow-day and River passed several taxis on the road. Well, at least the smart ones were letting others drive for them. Not only did you have to watch out for compacted snow which would reduce traction; but you also had to watch out for black ice. You hit black ice too fast and you can spin out because with black ice, you have absolutely NO traction whatsoever. Luckily the Triage had four-wheel drive and handled the slopes with ease.

With the pond frozen, we got a chance to do some skating since the ice was thick enough. At least we had good skates, sharpened at our local hockey shop, so we were able to skate without slipping. If you have a good edge on your blade, you can dig into the ice and get some traction.

And when we were sufficiently cold enough, we came in and sat on the couch, enjoying each other's company.

I had a few books that I needed to get with regards to skills learning so I headed down to Chapters. Evidently Bed, Bath and Beyond was in the same building too. Interestingly enough.

Evidently, they also had a London Drugs in the building too...judging from the sign on the front door of the building. But I had nothing really to get over there at the moment.

Once I picked up my skill-books, I headed back home. At least my Evasion was handling the road alright, but I knew that we would have to look at getting an SUV for me too. There were too many instances where the tires spun and I fish-tailed on initial acceleration from a stop-position and that wasn't a good sign.

Visibility towards evening started to dip precipitously as the fog rolled in from the coast. It was especially bad in Richmond and we could see it from the patio of our home. But the fog sort of gave it a little bit of atmosphere to the view making everything kind of half-visible to the eye.

River painted and then grabbed a bite to eat since she was hungry. I practiced my guiltar while trying to accomplish my lifetime wish...and well, Sally went off and tried to hunt down some more gems, rocks and metals. She seemed to be rather adept at finding them.

Evidently Sally also dropped in on the local tavern and got into a fight with a hapless mutt of which she got the better of. And well, she trotted out of the tavern with a self-satisfied look on her face.

All three of us had plenty to do and well, luckily for us, a few finds by Sally put us in a good financial position and hopefully that would do us in good stead down the road.

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